Directions from Villiersdorp:
Head out north on the R43 towards Worcester, drive 10 km from Villiersdorp over the Rooi Hoogte pass, at the bottom of the pass turn right at the Koppies sign, drive 1.2 km on tar and turn left where the tar ends into “Rietspruit Country Cottage”.
Directions from Worcester:
Head south down Durban Road past Penny Pinchers towards Rawsonville, turn left after about 1km on the R43 towards Villiersdorp. Drive about 38km, at the foot of the Rooi Hoogte pass turn left at the Koppies sign, drive 1.2 km on tar and turn left where the tar ends into “Rietspruit Country Cottage”.
GPS co-ordinates S 33° 55′ 23.92, E 19° 21′ 23.35